Facial Rejuvenation (Facelift)

Want to look 10 years younger? With the advances in technology, pushing it further back is possible. Facial rejuvenation is any number of facelift procedures done on an individual under what is considered a single operation. This can also be broken down further into a series of operations with one goal in mind which is to restore the facial features of an individual to what they desire.


Facial rejuvenation involves operations done to the face and neck area. Facial contouring is one of the main activities done for this and restoration is largely based on photographs you present during the consultation period.

This process actively repairs and regenerates the tissues in targeted areas through the injection of fat or importation of stem cells. Scarring is kept down to a minimum through carefully placed micro incisions where it can easily be covered by hair or special makeup.

Best Candidates

People with good general health and as close as possible to their ideal BMI based on age, height and other physical factors.

People who want to reduce visible signs of ageing, facial wasting, looseness of skin in the middle of the face, jawline and neck and want to improve their facial contour aesthetics.

People who demonstrate a loss of skin volume on their face and/or neck. Also good with people who have a slumping of tissues or redundant skin.

Marina Plastic Surgery

Martin Rees


Martin Rees is a Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon who has been in private practice since 1988, founding the Auckland…

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What to Expect

Facial rejuvenation is the blanket name for a number of operations done to an individual specifically to the face (and oftentimes, neck) area.

Results vary based on your overall health, skin quality, looseness, the presence of folds and/or wrinkles. Your basic anatomy will also be assessed to ensure you are a good candidate for cheek surgery.

Botox may be introduced into your system to alleviate the effects of wrinkles. PRP may also be used to aid in the recovery period.

Facial rejuvenation usually lasts up to 10 years with the bare minimum set at 7 years. This is also highly dependent on the activities you engage in that may lead to injury in the aforementioned.

face lift

After Surgery / Recovery

As with all types of surgical procedures, caring for the areas where incisions were made is the highest priority. Follow your surgeon’s instruction for the proper care of affected areas.

Bandages are removed 24 hours after the surgery. You will need to sleep with 2 to 3 pillows to keep your head raised to avoid swelling or bruising too much. Arnica and Hirudoid cream can help reduce bruising and swelling. Ice packs can also be used to bring swelling down.

Sutures are removed after the 7th or 10th day. This can be done in any of our available rooms. If surgical screws are used, they will be removed on the tenth day as well.

Procedure Planner

Initial Meeting

45 – 60 minutes


30 – 45 minutes

Procedure Time

4 – 6 hours

Recovery Time

6 weeks (with 2 weeks strict home rest)

Post-op Follow Up

1 week

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